Introducing the powerful new book from award-winning neuroscientist Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath ...

"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority" - Ken Blanchard | American Author + Management Expert

We are all influencers!


Whether it’s leading a team, delivering a presentation, coaching an athlete, teaching a class, or raising a child -- we commit time every single day to influencing others.


But there’s a problem … few of us have ever been taught how to use this potent social force effectively!


In his fascinating new book, Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath breaks fresh ground on this essential topic. 


By combining cutting-edge brain science with proven behavioural research, Dr. Horvath reveals the how (and the why) that powers effective influence.


If you want to discover how to communicate more effectively; how to deliver a message that sticks; how to successfully lead and inspire others; how to make a greater impact  … 


Then grab your copy of Stop Talking, Start Influencing today!


Just click the button and you'll be re-directed to where the book is available for purchase. 

Here's a small taste of what you can expect to discover in Stop Talking, Start Influencing ...

  • Why do "How-To" books consistently fail to make a lasting impact? | page 5

  • What virtual-reality tool do the world’s best communicators use to strengthen their influence? | page 121

  • How many times must a person be exposed to a new concept before they really "learn it"? | page 161

  • Why are stories so effective at creating lasting memories ... and how are they similar to the Eiffel Tower? | page 212

  • Do brain games work, and can they really help to boost learning and improve memory? | page 63

  • Why do cliff-hangers and "open-ended loops" work so well on people? | page 198

  • What is the best way to integrate/internalize information from a book? | page 118

  • What simple tactic will make people view you as better prepared, more professional, and even more likable? | page 55

  • What is the most effective strategy for opening up a presentation (and what are the 3 benefits it provides)? | page 219

  • Are women really better than men when it comes to multitasking? | page 62

  • What is the best strategy for offering feedback in a way that will support personal growth? | page 98

  • When it comes to memory, what do humans have in common with bumble bees, slugs and plants (seriously … plants)? | page 48

  • What is "interleaving", and how can it dramatically increase the effectiveness of your training? | page 152

  • What is the scientific explanation behind the dreaded "mind-blank" during a speech … and how can you combat it? | page 67

  • Why is this setnecne so esay to raed – and what deos it tlel us about thkining? | page 43

"Funny, relevant, and makes sense! I love how he takes brain science and relates it to real-life examples. While it is easy to read, it is chocked full of insightful and useful tips. After reading it myself, I requested that it be our departments' summer book club reading!" | Kristen Landry, Amazon Customer

"As a high school anatomy teacher and learning science buff, I thought I knew everything there was to know about this topic ... but clearly I did not! Thank you so much for this book. I couldn’t put it down and I’m on vacation in Maui right now -- so that’s saying a lot. Excellent job bridging the gap between research and practice, Jared! | Jennifer West, Amazon Customer

"This book is so engaging it's hard to put down ... and it’s absolutely full of fascinating and useful ideas. I recommend it to everyone who has ever tried to teach anyone anything!" | Helen Street, PhD, Founder of The Positive Schools Initiative

"I have been waiting years (decades) for a book like this to be written! Finally, brain research that’s rigorous, understandable, and actually applicable to work and life. Important for marketing, branding, sales, training, culture, change management — just about any aspect of business you can think of. This is science in action and I love it!" | Sergio Brodsky, Head of Strategy, Initiative Global Media

"Excellent book on practical applications of neuroscience which anyone can enjoy. His chapter on stress alone was the best explanation I have ever read about how stress impacts our brains both negatively and positively. Every chapter has “implications” about how you can use this information in your work and life." | Buck Lawrimore, Amazon Customer

"In our rapidly changing world, life-long learning is proving to be of paramount importance for healthy and meaningful adaptation -- and I can think of no better person to be your guide through this topic than Dr. Horvath." | Dr Patrycja Slawuta, PhD, Founder & Director, SelfHackathon

TITLE: Start Talking, Start Influencing: 12 Insights From Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick


AUTHOR: Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath


PUBLISHER: Exisle Publishing, 2019


ISBN: 1925335909, 9781925335903


LENGTH: 308 pages


SUBJECTS: Communication & Social Skills | Business Communication | Meetings & Presentations | Education | Teaching Methods & Materials | General Self-Help

Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath is an award-winning cognitive neuroscientist and best-selling author with expertise in human learning, memory, and brain stimulation. He earned his Master's degree from Harvard University and his Doctorate from the University of Melbourne.


Dr. Horvath has conducted research and lectured at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, the University of Melbourne, and over 100 schools in Asia/Australia. He currently serves as an honorary researcher at the University of Melbourne and St. Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne.

Dr. Horvath has published 5 books, over 30 research articles, and has been awarded the Endeavour Scholarship and numerous awards for scientific presentations. His research has been featured in countless popular publications including The New York Times, PBS, BBC, The Economist, New Scientist and ABC’s Catalyst.


In 2017, Dr. Horvath co-founded his company LME Global to bring his pioneering research to business and academic professionals seeking a competitive edge.