Introducing the powerful new book from award-winning cognitive scientist Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath and positive education advocate David Bott ...

Introducing the powerful new book from award-winning cognitive scientist Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath and positive education advocate David Bott ...

“The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought concerning that which everybody sees.”Arthur Schopenhauer - The Artist's Philosopher

Education is not broken ... but the world is changing.


When we stand still, we go backwards. Tradition and historical practices matter – but they should act as a stabilizing keel rather than a rusty anchor.


Education does not need an external revolution; it merely needs an internal evolution.


Educators need not look outside of the craft for answers; they need only turn inward and learn from the collective expertise borne from millions of hours at the chalkface.


To move education forward, our job is not to see something new. Our job is to think deeply, openly, and expertly about those aspects of school that every student, teacher, leader, and parent can clearly see already.


Which begs the question: if we’ve seen it all, why does a book like this matter?


As author Steven Kotler says, “You can’t read the label while you’re sitting inside the jar."


Oftentimes, we are so deep inside our own work that it becomes difficult to gain new perspective and cultivate the space necessary to ‘think what nobody has thought yet.’


That is the purpose of "10 Things Schools Get Wrong" – to offer a meaningful, contemplative, forward-feeding opportunity for educators to step outside the jar.


In this book we combine leading brain and behavioral research with pragmatic philosophy to deliver a fresh perspective on ten widely accepted (yet rarely questioned) aspects of education.


Our aim is to turn conventional wisdom on its head, and force academic stakeholders to re-evaluate the status quo.


If you believe our schools can do better, then we invite you to read our new book and challenge the way you and your colleagues think about education.

Here are some of the important education-based questions addressed in "10 Things Schools Get Wrong" ...

  • Who are the new experts of teaching, and why should these people be on the front line of education reform moving forward?

  • What counterintuitive lessons can we learn from the meteoric rise of mindset theory in education?

  • Why have computers so overwhelmingly failed to become the academic panacea many expected them to be?

  • Why does promising scientific research and lab-based evidence so often fail to translate into improved outcomes in the classroom?

  • How does the dated practice of assigning grades needlessly discourage students and undermine teacher professionalism?

  • When the media reports that ‘students are becoming increasingly narcissistic’, how are they getting this wrong?

  • Why did homework become such an essential part of modern schooling, and how does it damage student growth and development?

  • What is the surprising genesis of so-called ‘C21 Skills’, and why do so many educational leaders have a fundamental misunderstanding of how they work?

  • How do teachers often misuse student rewards and incentives, and when can these popular crutches actually harm learning?

  • What is the only all-purpose skill that can be applied across all situations and contexts (hint: students should focus on developing this skill above all others)?

  • From where did conventions like the 180-day school year and 8:00 am start times originate, and do they actually benefit learning?

  • How should you respond the next time an indifferent student asks, “Why do I need to learn this?"

  • What is the ultimate purpose of school, and why is this question so profoundly important to the future of education?    


    EXPERTISE | The Problem With Experience

     “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice there is.” - Benjamin Brewster


    EVIDENCE | The Problem With Translation

     “Whenever I hear the term Evidence-Based Practice, I always ask the same question: whose evidence do you mean?” - Jared Cooney Horvath


    GRADES | The Problem With Assessment

     “When Galileo said that the language of nature is written in mathematics, he did not mean to include human feeling or accomplishment or insight.” - Neil Postman


    HOMEWORK | The Problem With Opportunity Cost

     “You can do anything, but not everything.” - David Allen


    MINDSET | The Problem With Hype

    “If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.” - J. Reuben Clark


    C21 SKILLS | The Problem With Transfer

    “The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” - Alvin Toffler


    COMPUTERS | The Problem With Primary Function

     “Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.” - R. Buckminster Fuller


    REWARDS | The Problem With Coercion

     “No one asks how to motivate a baby.  A baby naturally explores everything it can get at … and this tendency doesn’t die, it’s wiped out.” - B.F. Skinner


    ORGANIZATION | The Problem With Structure

    “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” - William Penn

  • CHAPTER 10

    PURPOSE | The Problem With Narrative

    “Form Follows Function.” - Louis Sullivan

Click here to read the book introduction ...

TITLE: 10 Things Schools Get Wrong (And How We Can Get Them Right)


AUTHOR: Dr. Jared Cooney Horvath, David Bott


PUBLISHER: John Catt Educational Ltd (30 Nov. 2020)


ISBN: 1913622355, 978-1913622350


LENGTH: 200 pages




SUBJECTS: Education | Educational Psychology | Education Studies | Teaching Methods & Materials



Jared Cooney Horvath (PhD, MEd) is a neuroscientist, educator, and author of the best-selling book 'Stop Talking, Start Influencing: 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick'. He has conducted research and lectured at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, the University of Melbourne, and over 250 schools internationally. He currently serves as Director of LME Global, a company dedicated to serving teachers, students and schools through applied learning sciences.

David Bott (PGDipEd, PGDipPsych) is the Associate Director of the Institute of Positive Education. As an expert in applied wellbeing science, David has supported thousands of educators across the globe in designing and implementing system-level approaches to wellbeing. David sits on the Dubai Future Council for Education and has published in prominent academic journals and industry periodicals. He currently serves on the board of the Positive Education Schools Association.


Jared Cooney Horvath (PhD, MEd) is a neuroscientist, educator, and author of the best-selling book 'Stop Talking, Start Influencing: 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick'. He has conducted research and lectured at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, the University of Melbourne, and over 250 schools internationally. He currently serves as Director of LME Global, a company dedicated to serving teachers, students and schools through applied learning sciences.


David Bott (PGDipEd, PGDipPsych) is the Associate Director of the Institute of Positive Education. As an expert in applied wellbeing science, David has supported thousands of educators across the globe in designing and implementing system-level approaches to wellbeing. David sits on the Dubai Future Council for Education and has published in prominent academic journals and industry periodicals. He currently serves on the board of the Positive Education Schools Association.

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